Homemade chocolate and peanut butter protein bars! 

Hi guys!

I created these yesterday and was amazed with how they turned out! They are packed with protein and chocolate peanut flavour so are great for snacks during the day or after a workout. Plus although they are small they are super filling and heavy so a small bar fills you right up. They totally taste the same as naked bars but are way more filling and affordable!


250g of peanut butter 

3 tbsps of honey

90g of oats

4 scoops of chocolate protein powder

1tbsp of cacao powder 

2-5 tbsps of water


Firstly you’ll need to measure your peanut butter and honey and microwave in a plastic bowl for 30 seconds and mix.

Next measure all the rest of the ingredients in a bigger bowl and add the liquid mixture. Mix thoroughly and add as much water as necessary to combine the ingredients. The mix should be stiff and dough like.

Place the mixture in a square tin and push down hard with a fork. These are really filling and heavy so a thin layer is best. 

Place in fridge for half an hour and you’re good to go!

I cut them in to small bars and wrap them individually to take to the gym. 

Let me know if you try them! 

Lauren x

Tips to stay on track with a healthy lifestyle 

If you’re anything like me (and everyone else I’m guessing!) sticking to your healthy diet and fitness plans can time to time be hard work. There’s someone’s birthday meal, midnight cravings or McDonalds monopoly calling your name! 

I’ve decided the last few weeks I’m going to really try hard to stick to healthy eating and exercising regularly. So I’ve come up with some tips that help keep me focussed and less likely to binge…

1. Meal plan and prep

I always make a plan of what meals I’m going to have the following week, meaning I know exactly what to buy when I go shopping and don’t waste any food. Also, making meals before hand means you won’t be tempted to swap for a takeaway.

2. Don’t buy unhealthy snacks

If it’s not in the house then you won’t be tempted. Simple.

3. Make your own healthy snacks

Although there’s lots of healthy snacks you can purchase, these tend to be expensive. I make my own flapjack bites with whatever berries or nuts I can find to munch on when I’m feeling peckish.

4. Plan your exercise schedule 

Planning is everything. If I’ve written something down I’m much more likely to do it. As well as planning when, plan what kind of workout you want to do, yoga, abs run etc. Then you make sure you mix things up and don’t get bored.

5. Always keep a bottle of water with you

For some reason I find it much easier to drink water in a bottle. Weird I know. But then you can see how much you’ve drank and take it on the go.

6. Watch motivational YouTube channels 

I’ve recently found the channel SarahSays and I’m obsessed. Her lifestyle is absolute goals and after I watch her vlogs I definitely want to do a workout and grab some fruit.

7. Get some snazzy workout clothes 

Workout wear is so much better than regular clothes. Fact.

8. Get an app to track your progress

There are so many, but ones like strava to track your runs are good, especially as it posts to friends so the pressures on to do a PB.

These may be pretty obvious but they’re worth keeping in mind to keep you on track! 

Let me know any other tips you have.

Lauren x

October Favorites!

How is it November? I know everyone’s saying it but still, this year is flying by. Literally preparing myself to get the christmas tree up!

Anyway, these are the things I’ve been loving this month!


  • Mac Fix+

I bought this for the hype, not sure what its purpose was. But now im obsessed. My favorite thing to use it for is to intensify my eye shadows, making them slightly tacky as well so they stay on longer.

  • Smashbox fusion soft lights

This is another one that I couldn’t figure out its’ use (see a theme here). I mean in my defence, it doesn’t have a name like highlighter or face powder. I tried it as a highlight and it wasn’t as pigmented as I am used to (that champagne pop has spoiled me). I read some where people use it as a bronzer and powder, and I am in love. It sets my skin, while giving it some warmth and also giving a subtle all over shimmer. LOVE. Such an underestimated product.

  • bh Cosmetics brushes

I got this set on holiday but i’ve seen it avalible in lots of places here in the UK too. Its so cheap, contains ten brushes that vary from face to eyes. I love the foundation one, a flat top kabuki thats so soft and blends so well. They brushes are really good quality and you really get a lot for your money.


  • Issey Miyake L’eau D’issey

You know that perfume you’ve been after for ages, spray all over yourself every time you hit debenhams and wish you could afford. Well this is that perfume for me, and I treated myself on holiday as it was so much cheaper. Its a different quirky smell that smells different after its settled but i love it so much, my new signature scent.


  • Rockabye baby – Clean Bandit, Sean Paul and Anne Marie
  • My Way- Calvin Harris
  • Shoutout to my ex – Little Mix
  • The Greatest – Sia ft Kendrick Lamar


  • Yoga

I always used to practice yoga everyday, but with holidays and moving house and third year at uni, its took a back seat for a few months, I had a few shitty weeks with anxiety lately so I did a few yoga youtube videos and I completely fell back in love with it. I’d forgot how calm and refreshed I feel after, and how unfit I feel now haha.

  • Autumn

As much as I miss the sun and summer, I have to admit there’s something cosy about the dark nights and snuggling up with hot chocolate under a mountain of blankets. Plus all the good TV starts coming on now, hibernation it is.

Lauren x

Anxiety: Am I a drama queen or am I going mad?

Hey guys…

It’s been soooooo long since I posted that I half thought I was going to give up. My summer was so filled with super holidays and craziness that I didn’t have time to even think about blogging.

But here I am, back at uni, final year and freaking the hell out. And as I lay in bed last night in physical pain wondering who would possibly understand what this felt like, I thought why not write about my anxiety on my blog. Maybe one of you might read it. Hell maybe you even might relate. Who knows.

So yeah. I have anxiety. I’m not properly diagnosed or anything but i’ve been struggling for the past couple of years and toying with the idea of doing something about it.

I am a full on worrier. I worry about things most normal people wouldn’t think twice about. And i let it build up until it seems huge, and I can’t see a way out.

The main thing for me is the physical pain that anxiety causes, that most people don’t understand. When i’m panicky it hurts to breathe and move. My body tingles and my chest throbs, and I can hear my heart beat so loud and fast. And then I panic more obviously.

Half of me thinks I am going crazy. Full on  nutter. The other half thinks I am a drama queen and need to chill the hell out.

Isn’t that everyone’s views on  mental health though? No one seems to accept it as a part of life, something to deal with head on rather than shy away from?

Everyone has something that they freak out about. Mine just happens to be everything, haha!

But sometimes I wish I knew there was someone else out there, having the same chest pains and the same sleepless nights.

All I can do now is deal with it as best as I can. And light as many scented candles as humanly possible. And do as many yoga classes as my body can take.

Let me know if any of this is remotely relatable to you, or if you have any advice you can share.

Lauren xx

Tips for getting “beach body” ready…

Now before I start, let me just say, if I had to run and be on a beach tomorrow that would be fine. At the end of the day who gives a shit what we look like when we’re having fun on holiday right? Everyone needs to embrace and love their own bodies. But at the same time, if your anything like me, you want to be in extra fine shape when you hit the sand. 

It’s just over a month till I jump on  a plane, and to be fair I have been exercising pretty regular over the last few months. But these last couple of weekends have been out eating loads of junk and piling on a few pounds and now I’m in panic mode. So these are a few rules I’m going to (try) stick by from now on…

1. Don’t eat after nine o’clock

I find it so hard not to snack while I’m binge watching Netflix at night. Those biscuits are calling my name. But eating late means you don’t work it off or digest it properly. So try and get your meals earlier.

2. Up your water intake.

I’ve recently invested in a filter bottle which encourages me to drink plain water instead of sugary drinks. It also makes exercise more effective and leaves you feeling full. 

3. Get into a routine.

Plan plan plan. If you plan your workouts you’re more likely to actually do them. Also making a weekly routine means you target every body area and things don’t get repetitive. Mine currently is:

Monday- Core and arms

Tiesday – Yoga 

Wednesday- Run

Thursday- Yoga

Friday- Bum and legs 

Saturday- Rest day

Sunday- Full body workout

4. Cook from scratch

‘Easy food’ is the stuff  that’s usually full of crap. Things like ready meals, takeout, Pizza, jar of sauces are all high in sugar and saturated fat. Cooking things from scratch allows you know what’s actually in your food. 

5. Walk more.

Whether it’s taking the stairs instead of the lift. Walking the long way to work. Getting off a bus stop earlier. Staying active will have a big impact and every little bit helps right?

So there are my tips for now. If you are going away have a great time! If you have any other tips let me know!

Lauren xx

How to make homemade relaxing (room/yoga mat) spray. 

Hi guys!

I’ve been so busy this weekend, seeing my family and celebrating a birthday in London. But just before all that madness I decided to attempt to make my own homemade spray. This was initially to clean my yoga mat, and I saw a YouTube video on it. But after doing a bit of research and experimenting, I ended up making a delicious spray that can be used for a number of things, including a room spray, fabric spray, cleaner or for aromatherapy use. I love choosing yummy scents, and they all have different benefits and make everything smell delicious.

You will need:

  • Spray bottles – plastic or glass doesn’t matter, just something that will create a fine mist
  • Distilled or boiled water
  • Witch hazel – this is used for its cleaning properties and is so good for the skin
  • Essential oils- one with antibacterial properties (tea tree or eucalyptus) and whatever scents you like

I used eucalyptus and vanilla in mine, but I’m trying to get my hands on lavender for its relaxing properties. I spritzed a bit of my lavender room spray in for now.

You need about 3/4 of water, 1/4 of witch hazel and then 5 drops of each of your oils.


Then boom. Spray made.

For use on yoga mats, spray and wipe with a cloth.

Let me know what scents you think would work and I hope this gives you some inspiration!

Lauren xx

8 tips to getting Health and fitness motivation…

Not gunna lie, the past week I’ve pigged out. Crisps, cake, bacon. Yum. The reason was mainly down to boredom, I’ve been on my own all week and the wifi broke (the horror) so all I had to do was stuff my face. 

And then the next day you feel so guilty and unhealthy. Having that much crap didn’t suit me and I was desperately craving my avocado lunches and the smug feeling after a day of eating healthy. But that never lasts and I’m back to craving chocolate after my dinner. 

But the suns out today and in three months I’ll be heading to Vegas so now is the time I need to start working on my summer body so here’s some tips I’m gunna try and stick to to motivate myself.

1. Aim for 8 glasses of water

I’m so bad for not drinking enough during the day and then wonder why I’m tired and have headaches. There are apps that help you track how many you have, including plant nanny which grows a little plant every glass you drink. Try different drinks to encourage yourself, including fruit juices to also get some added vitamins. 

2. Read magazine articles

Women’s health or Cosmo are good ones to go to. They offer the best tips and make you actually believe you can achieve your goals. It also shows you how to mix it up a bit, different workouts and recipes.

3. Try a new workout

I don’t know about you but the thought of doing the same run or circuit every day is bleak. Trying new workouts adds some excitement to our exercise. If you haven’t tried yoga, grab a mat. If you’re new to jogging grab your shoes and get some fresh air.

4. Try one new healthy food a week

When I was younger I detested fruit and veg and all things healthy. I nearly died if a pea made its way on to my plate. But now I’m more willing to try new things. And after trying avocados I’m absolutely addicted.

5. Make a weeks plan

Don’t set your goals too high, like doing a 10k run every night isn’t going to happen. But make a realistic plan of exercise and food for the week ahead and stick to it. If you’ve wrote it down your more likely to do that workout than put it off for another time.

6. Get nice workout clothes

Ah, I wish it was socially acceptable to wear gym stuff all day everyday. It’s so comfy and flattering. When your have nice sexy gym gear your more likely to want to put it on and head to the gym to show it off. Treat yourself to Beyoncés new range in topshop or some fab printed yoga pants.

7. Make healthy food you’ll actually like

There is no point forcing rabbit food down your throat just because you think you have to. There are so many healthy but tasty recipes out there that are good for you and don’t taste of cardboard! Don’t torture yourself! 

8. Reward yourself for hard work

If you’ve stuck to your weeks plan all week, sweated your ass off in the gym and limited yourself to two kitkats, then treat yourself. Whether it be a pamper day or a takeout or a lie in. Everyone needs to relax and indulge from time to time. Knowing that pizzas waiting for you on Friday night is enough to get through those extra squats.

I hope this has given you some motivation and determination! If you’re anything like me you’re needing any encouragement you can get to prise yourself off the sofa.

Like and comment, let me know any other tips.

Lauren xx 

Favourite workout accessories…

It’s that time of the year where we’re all getting ready to start working for that summer body. I’m all for the whole ‘you don’t need any equipment ‘ exercise approach, all you really need is motivation. But for those of us who love to have all the latest things to help us along and get us all geared up to sweat, here’s my favourite fitness accessories I’m loving at the moment.

Women’s Health Magazine

This is my first time buying  this magazine and I bloody love it. I haven’t even finished reading it yet, it’s rammed full of tips, workout routines, recipes, advice plus beauty tips and other general magazine goodness. I was apprehensive of the price but it’s worth every penny. It’s like a little book. And the workouts are perfect to keep coming back to. And the recipes. Love.

This is Yoga – Tara Stiles 4 DVD box set

I’m not all for exercise DVDs if I’m honest. I mean, that’s what youTubes for right? But I invested in this when I had no wifi in my accommodation and it was a life saver. Plus this box set has every kind of yoga workout plus a pose guide. Head to Amazon for a cheap buy.

Resistance bands 

I don’t use these as much as I should but they are great for helping stretch those muscles. They also can be used in a workout, look online for some inspiration. Use the band against the muscle you want to work as an effective and less sweaty workout.

Gym gloves

As soon as I started lifting weights my hands when to shreds. Especially us girls who don’t want peeling blistered hands. They don’t need to be expensive, just make sure you protect those hands. They also help your hands stop slipping.

Yoga mat strap 

As well as the obvious, this can also double up as a tool in yoga, helping you practice those poses where you can’t… Quite… Reach.

Phone exercise arm band

Have you ever wanted to listen to some tunes in your workout, shove your iPod down your bra and when it slips down you have that awkward rummage happening. Well yeah. Here you go. Plus you can also use tracking apps such as strava to monitor your workout. 

Seed shot

This may sound a bizarre accessory but seriously, it’s a fab alternative to shoving donuts in your face post sweat. These are low calorie and contain healthy seeds and dried fruit, with a tasty twist. Yum.

That’s it for now! Hope this motivates you to get your sweat on!

Let me know what you think or  any other accessories I can get my hands on.

Like and comment!

Insta – @laurenfairfax

Lauren xx

How to get out of a bad mood…

Honestly, some days I just hate being a girl. I could write a whole list of reasons, but the most annoying is that sometimes we have those days where we feel so crap. You have a bad mood for absolutely no reason at all. You wanna sit and wallow in self pity and Ben and Jerrys.

Admittedly, I have these days a lot recently, especially since I’m on my own a lot with only Netflix as company. So I’ve complied a list of ways to get you out of your mood…

Blast some tunes

Bieber never fails. By whacking some loud upbeat music on it really helps you forget why you were down in the first place.  Make a playlist of your favourite songs ready for when you need that burst of energy. 


I love love love getting lost in a book. My go to books are usually rom coms by authors like Lindsey Kelk or Sophie Kinsella. More recently I’ve been loving thrillers, such as Gone Girl or Girl on a Train. But yesterday I splurged on Khloe Kardashians book and it’s definitely my new guilty pleasure. Look out for a post on my favourite books soon.


This might be the last thing you wanna do when you feel crap. But exercise is known to give you a release of endorphins, so it’s like giving yourself a little burst of happy. I promise, that hour at the gym will be worth it.


I’ve recently got into cooking and I actually love it. That is, when it actually turns out alright and I don’t set a tea towel on fire. But get yourself a easy cookbook, or look online and get your apron on.

Have a bath or long shower

Sometimes a bath or shower can be refreshing. It can wash away your bad vibes and start a fresh. Get some lush bath bombs going on, or a face mask and enjoy.

Clean and tidy

This might sound a strange one. But if you’re living in a mess your minds going to be a mess. Tidying will make you feel more organised and put together afterwards. 

Plan something exciting 

If you haven’t got something planned in the next few months, a day trip, night out, holiday etc. Plan one. Then you can google all about it and get all excited. Having something to look forward to is key to getting through the crap times. I always check out the place I’m going on holiday in summer, or where I’m going to go on my next shopping trip.

That’s all I’ve got for now. Hope this helps. 

Let me know any other tips and if you have days like this! 

Lauren x

5 minute workout – Bum

So I’ve got another 5 minute workout for you and this time it’s all about those bum muscles!

Let’s be honest, the best way to work your bum is to squat your heart out but here’s an alternative if you get bored.

When you get stronger you can up the sets and duration of each exercise. We’ll all be kardashian level in the ass department soon.


40 seconds- Sumo squat


I’m sure you know how to squat but with this one you want to get nice and low, bringing your arms together in front of you as you go down. Remember to keep your back straight.

20 seconds – rest

40 seconds- Glute raises

  20 seconds on each leg

On all fours extend one leg back straight, then curl to your chest. Make sure to keep your body central and to not lean on one side.

20 seconds- rest

40 seconds-  jumping squats


This is actually quite fun. This time take your squat to the floor, and as you go back up push with your feet to jump. Don’t give up halfway!

20 seconds rest

40 seconds – single leg deadlift


This one is more tricky due to balance than anything else. Go slow at first and hang on to a wall or chair if needed. Bend one leg behind you and bend forward towards the floor. Use a weight if you have one.

20 seconds rest

1 minute- Bridge leg raises


If you’re new to these exercises, a bridge alone might be enough to engage those muscles. But to really work that bum raise one leg and lift knee to chest. Lower but don’t touch the floor. Do 30 seconds on each leg.

And we’re done!

You’ll be definitely feeling this the next day. Remember to adjust the workout to your own needs. 

Let me know what you think, and what else you’d like to see!

Like and comment below!

Also give me a follow on Instagram and I’ll be sure to follow back @laurenfairfax 

Lauren x