Tips to stay on track with a healthy lifestyle 

If you’re anything like me (and everyone else I’m guessing!) sticking to your healthy diet and fitness plans can time to time be hard work. There’s someone’s birthday meal, midnight cravings or McDonalds monopoly calling your name! 

I’ve decided the last few weeks I’m going to really try hard to stick to healthy eating and exercising regularly. So I’ve come up with some tips that help keep me focussed and less likely to binge…

1. Meal plan and prep

I always make a plan of what meals I’m going to have the following week, meaning I know exactly what to buy when I go shopping and don’t waste any food. Also, making meals before hand means you won’t be tempted to swap for a takeaway.

2. Don’t buy unhealthy snacks

If it’s not in the house then you won’t be tempted. Simple.

3. Make your own healthy snacks

Although there’s lots of healthy snacks you can purchase, these tend to be expensive. I make my own flapjack bites with whatever berries or nuts I can find to munch on when I’m feeling peckish.

4. Plan your exercise schedule 

Planning is everything. If I’ve written something down I’m much more likely to do it. As well as planning when, plan what kind of workout you want to do, yoga, abs run etc. Then you make sure you mix things up and don’t get bored.

5. Always keep a bottle of water with you

For some reason I find it much easier to drink water in a bottle. Weird I know. But then you can see how much you’ve drank and take it on the go.

6. Watch motivational YouTube channels 

I’ve recently found the channel SarahSays and I’m obsessed. Her lifestyle is absolute goals and after I watch her vlogs I definitely want to do a workout and grab some fruit.

7. Get some snazzy workout clothes 

Workout wear is so much better than regular clothes. Fact.

8. Get an app to track your progress

There are so many, but ones like strava to track your runs are good, especially as it posts to friends so the pressures on to do a PB.

These may be pretty obvious but they’re worth keeping in mind to keep you on track! 

Let me know any other tips you have.

Lauren x