5 reasons it’s fab to be turning 21!

cant-keep-calm-its-my-21st-birthday-9.pngSo next week it’s my 21st birthday. And although I won’t be pushing a zimmer frame around for a while, I still feel like i’m getting old. But instead of crying over my unappreciated teenage years, I’m going to go celebrate!

1. It’s the ‘big’ birthday.

You can go all out. Why have just a birthday? Have a birth week. Birth month. Party party party.

2. You can get your best lippy out.

If ever there’s a time to run to boots and stock up on lashes and fake tan, now is the time. Plus three hours working on my smokey eye.

3. Have it your way.

Not gunna lie, the best part of birthdays is getting to do whatever you want, having loads of presents and getting your own way. Breakfast in bed please?

4. Life’s still not serious.

Mortgage? Marriage? Bills? Kids? Nah your still living with mom, getting your washing done.

5. CAKE!!

Need I say more.

Lauren x

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